The team will explain the details of the challenge but there are a few main rules to keep in mind. If any of these are not completed then sadly your team will be disqualified:
All teams have to be back to the starting location (Locke Hotel, Broken Wharf) by 18:25.
Complete all 5 photo challenges.
All members of each team must be involved in at least one of the challenges. We know how talented you all are, we want to see it!
You must use your prop in at least one image.
Each team member must post at least 3 stories tagging @uk.shooters and @xiaomi.uk :
- Tell your followers what you are up to with @uk.shooters and @xiaomi.uk
- Show the phone being used tagging @uk.shooters and @xiaomi.uk
- Get creative for a group shot with your team tagging @uk.shooters and @xiaomi.uk and your team!
There will also be UKS Stickers around every location or on the way, keep an eye out for them on your challenge and take a photo with them for bonus points!
You will be told which team colour you are. Make sure you select the correct one.